Hello, can you believe nearly 1/4 of this year is over already!! What a year too. I don’t know about yours, but mine is certainly throwing me some curve balls. I started the year alone and am now using some of my old therapy skills (I used to be a therapist) to help him. He had spent 3 months having tlc for depression in the shelter and came to me highly alert and anxious. I only saw him crouched or crawling in reverse away from me to begin with, but he now is starting to come to me for a fuss and will talk with me. We still have a long way to go, as he learns what doors are, what a cat flap is and that some humans are to be trusted. If you want to follow his story, it is being posted up on Instagram in our tied link of @fionasunago, where you can also find update of commissions and work I am doing, which will come into the shop.
Being a creative, it can be very easy for me to keep things, “just in case”, but know that my space is really rather limited and so I cannot do that ad infinitum! So I have been determined to finish going through everything here and keep only what is really required and anything else, but what a task! I have been reminded, yet again, that things are not just things where sentiment and memories are included within them; they are a doorway to our minds and our hearts. This has led me to bringing forward a new line I have, keep your eye out by summer!
My final spring clean was not 1 I expected at all. For a time now, you have been able to see my work also on a TV channel, as I worked for them creating and being challenged to come up with new and different ideas regularly. This was wonderful to help me grow in my skills and to inspire me to new ways of working and has given me many opportunities. However, it too has come to an end and so I am now able to use what I have learned in other places. I have been asked about tutorials for my business and have only done these for the TV channel and in face to face teaching to now, but as I have learned and developed skills on written and photographic tutorials, so I will be developing this side of the business too.
So, spring cleaning is something to do in our homes, as we clear away the old dust of winter and prepare to let the sunshine in, but we also have an opportunity to do it in our lives too. The extent we take this to may be of choice or imposed on us, but if we use it well, it can really help us move on to bigger and better things as we clear things out which are not longer needed in our lives.